We brought home the bacon
Since 1917, Eskort has been making South Africa’s highest quality pork products. But in South Africa, people were eating less pork than any other meat. Less than beef, less than chicken and lamb. We wanted to occupy greater share of heart and mind so as to rank higher on South Africans’ consideration set when shopping for a tasty daily protein.
Due to the Listeriosis outbreak in 2017 South Africans had negative misconceptions about pork. Unfortunately Eskort got painted with the same brush and suffered as result even though all Eskort products and factories were never affected by the outbreak.
Reconnect with South Africans by reminding them of the role we’ve played in their lives for over 100 years. Remind them that we’re more than a pork producer but rather a social glue. Central to your favourite meals and always at the middle of the tables around which South Africans gather.
Impact of the workpiece
Our advertising campaigns resulted in a marked increase in sales across all our SKUs while our creative work collected a series of accolades from industry awards to our online branded content series, trending above the Presidential State Of The Nation address on Twitter.